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Parameters covered : 1


Reporting Time

10 hrs

Speciman Type


Blood Home Collection Service




Test Details

The Calcium Serum test measures the concentration of calcium in the bloodstream. Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including bone health, muscle contraction, blood clotting, and nerve transmission. This test helps assess calcium levels in the body and diagnose or monitor conditions related to calcium metabolism

Blood Sample: A healthcare provider will collect a blood sample, typically from a vein in your arm, using a needle and syringe or a specialized blood collection tube.

Laboratory Analysis: The blood sample is sent to a laboratory for analysis. There, the concentration of calcium in the blood is measured

Fasting is usually not required for the Calcium Serum test. You can typically eat and drink normally before the test

You may feel a brief pinch or discomfort when the needle is inserted to draw the blood sample. Afterward, there might be some mild bruising or soreness at the site, but this is usually temporary.

Normal results for the Calcium Serum test vary depending on the laboratory and measurement units used. Typically, calcium levels fall within a specific reference range.

Hypercalcemia: Elevated calcium levels may suggest conditions like hyperparathyroidism, certain cancers, or excessive vitamin D intake.

Hypocalcemia: Low calcium levels can be associated with hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, kidney disease, or certain medications.

Other medical conditions: Abnormal calcium levels can also be seen in kidney dysfunction, thyroid disorders, and digestive disorders

The Calcium Serum test is a routine blood test and is generally safe. Risks are minimal and may include:

Mild bruising at the blood sample site.

Rarely, fainting or lightheadedness during or after the blood draw

The Calcium Serum test may also be known as:

Serum calcium test

Blood calcium test

Total calcium test

Bone and Joint

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