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Parameters covered : 1




Reporting Time

10 HRS

Speciman Type


Blood Home Collection Service



As per ADA guidline 2 hours after lunch

Test Details

The Post Prandial Blood Glucose test, also known as Post-Meal Blood Sugar test, measures the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood after you have eaten a meal. It is a valuable diagnostic tool for monitoring and managing diabetes and assessing how your body processes glucose after consuming food

Blood Sample: A healthcare provider will collect a blood sample typically by pricking your finger to obtain a small drop of blood. Sometimes, a blood sample may be drawn from a vein in your arm.

Laboratory Analysis: The blood sample is then tested using a glucometer or sent to a laboratory for analysis. The test measures the concentration of glucose in your blood at a specific time after eating.

Generally, no special preparation is required for the Post Prandial Blood Glucose test. You should follow your normal eating habits and consume the meal as directed by your healthcare provider..

You may feel a brief prick or discomfort when your finger is pricked to obtain the blood sample. Drawing blood from a vein may involve a larger needle and could cause mild pain or discomfort.

Normal results for the Post Prandial Blood Glucose test typically indicate that your blood sugar levels have returned to a stable range within a few hours after eating.

Diabetes: Elevated blood sugar levels after a meal may suggest diabetes or poor diabetes management.

Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT): Some individuals may have elevated blood sugar levels after eating, indicating a risk of developing diabetes in the future.

The Post Prandial Blood Glucose test is a routine blood test and is generally safe. Risks are minimal and may include:

Mild pain or discomfort at the blood sample site.

Rarely, fainting or lightheadedness during or after the blood draw.

The Post Prandial Blood Glucose test may also be known as:

Post-Meal Blood Sugar test

After-Meal Glucose test

2-Hour Postprandial Glucose test

Sugar test

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